ligious problem on the part of the wife as the stum- bling block. When these problems exist a lasting love and devotion can never be established no matter what hubby wears for clothing. It's surprising just how many marriages are merely a matter of convenience and when something becomes inconvienent it's all off. The divorce rate speaks for itself and all of these men can't be TVs.
Well, back to the matter at hand, should TVs get married? I say of course they should if they are so inclined and willing to compromise a bit on a lot of thing including TVism. Who should they marry? The woman must be secure in her feminine role, a lot are not you know, and be mature enough to accept problems as life may deal them out. She should be informed about her guy's TV desires be- forehand but if she really loves him it won't make a bit of difference to her. But at least she will have had a chance to back out before hand. So an intelligent, rational girl must be picked. They make the best wives anyway, TV or not. Then the TV husband must take care of her better thean she has ever been cared for or will ever be so loved. She is a precious person but so is he! So if the single TV wants to stay single that is his business. How- ever most of the single TVs that I have talked with tell me that their true dream in life is to find that "certain girl" and ask her to become their wife. Without this hope a normal man would have to be ex- tremely self-centered and very easily satisfied to live his life out alone. After the femme-self has been perfected to the ultimate "she" may get a bit tired of looking at herself in the mirror the rest of her life. That is if TVism is the only problem in the personality of the individual. If you are a TV and nothing else except a normal fellow, marriage will offer just as much to you as anyone else if you plan to work hard at all the things your wife will deserve and hope for in a husband with a bit of "ladyhood" thrown in.
In conclusion I must state that TVism and mar-